Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Changes and Comments

Hey Everyone! I have been faithfully plugging away at Zoe, never fear. However, due to an interesting brainstorming session with a couple of my lovely Waysider companions, Libby (Ilara) and Brittany (Sam), a few changes have taken place in my plotting. Thankfully I did not have to go back and change too much, but there is one section that I had already posted on this site that needed a bit of reworking. Therefore, I'm giving all you wonderful readers a heads-up so that you're not too surprised by what I end up doing.

Remember Lord Ihcalam, the young nobleman/councilor to King Brastus of Elangsia? He and "Cormac" had a conversation back in chapter seventeen (XVII). I have altered their conversation just slightly, but the changes are enough that you'll want to glance over it again. It won't take too long to reread it over, and then you'll be ready for the next chapters I post (hopefully, soon!).

Also, I saw a great post written by another of the Waysiders, Rachel B (Daelia), that I would like to concur with. (Oh, and you can read her original post on The Romany Epistles webpage.) PLEASE, if you are a reader of these Romany tales, LEAVE COMMENTS! It doesn't matter if it's merely "I think this chapter is stupid" -- we need and appreciate your feedback! :) Of course, if you really do think the chapter is stupid...helpful hints would be appreciated as well.... ;) Comments encourage me and show me areas that I might need to strengthen when the second draft comes around. I'm very willing to be taught and relish all pointers you might give.

First impressions on these chapters from our readers are awesome to have and impossible to reproduce--if you think something right off the bat after reading a section of a story, it's usually best to write it down because it's very likely you won't think that the second time you read it. I'm still very young and learning how to write, so hints and tips are wonderful. Again, thank you for following these stories. I think I can speak for all nine of us Waysiders when I say that we greatly appreciate your support.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed all the Romany characters. I am anticipating more to be posted from all the Romany authors. Very well done! One comment for Zoe is that I lost all focus when you switched to the Princess. To be honest, I skimmed through a lot about the Princess because I was so engrossed with Zoe that I didn't care about the princess. I know I missed a lot of info, but I couldn't help myself. I don't know if there is an easier way to fit in the princess, but overall Zoe is magnificent. Anyways, I may be the only one that feels this way, so don't take it to heartily.
A Romany Fan

12:27 PM  

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