Saturday, September 13, 2008

brace yourselves

The end is coming.

Just to let you know, Zoe's end has been written. She died. So did Tancred. Bloody, horrible deaths.

Just kidding.

C'mon--laugh...BREATHE!! :)

I'm completely kidding, they are both alive and well to the best of my knowledge. I will be posting the end of their story here within the next couple days. I probably will not be posting the entire epilogue, simply because it discusses other characters' stories that we don't want disclosed here yet. Plus, I'm not even sure this version will be the final edited version. Anyway, hold on, get ready, and I promise it will be up soon.

You've all been a great bunch of readers/critiquers, and I've enjoyed the journey. I hope you're satisfied with my--uh, Zoe's--finale. Funny, I feel like it's my finale. I guess if I'm Zoe, it kinda is. (Too bad Tancred doesn't exist...JUST KIDDING!!!! *grin*) It's been quite a ride the last two years and I'm both happy and sad to see it end. On to a new tale, eh?

But for now, before I move on, I'm just going to relish the feeling of victory that comes after finishing such a story. It's a great feeling, and one I don't often get.

Until next time, my fine readers-



Anonymous Anonymous said... are horrible. :D The epilogue was more than a amazing - like 100,000,000 x infinity. :D

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... are horrible. :D The epilogue was more than a amazing - like 100,000,000 x infinity. :D

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more please...

5:00 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Whew, Emily, you scared me! :) I'm eagerly awaiting the rest of Zoe! ;)

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this story (and its companions) via Rachel Starr Thompson and her articles on Boundless Webzine and have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You have done an excellent job of portraying the various character's thoughts and feelings throughout the tale. Well done.

That said, I must begin to wonder what "soon" means to you. It's been over two weeks since you said you'd be posting the relevant epilogue portions here and there is still nothing. Aiden is posted; please let us see the end of Zoe soon too!

In the King's service,
Rien Takhid

7:49 PM  

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